Single channel video
Exhibition history 2021 Videograms, Vilnius, LT (group); Hyper Functional Ultra Healthy, Somerset House, London, UK (online)
1 min extract
ISLAND presents a collage of dérives in London, Berlin and Marseille where bodies connect through remembered gestures, reaching for familiarity through sensory and temporal networks.
Commissioned and created during the Covid-19 pandemic, whilst in lockdown, the film is a correspondance acoss time, body and space.
Dérives evade the neoliberal pressure to be ‘yourself’, to be an entrepreneurial, self-promoting individual. In the encounter with other life-worlds you escape your own reflection, inhabit other minds.
Fred Moten and Stefano Harney use the term hapticality to describe the affective textures that can be accessed through others. They describe ‘modernity’s insurgent feel, its inherited caress...the feel that no individual can stand, and no state abide.’
We make use of the term hapticality as an incubator of counter-strategies. Hapticality is be applied to the way we feel cities, through and with others, others who may or may not exist in the present. Feeling becomes collective knowledge, a tacit, covert network.
Film stills
Algae bubbled in fluorescent lagoons, tyres were dumped on the banks. The sky was vast and East Anglian, it scaled you down, put you in the path of the elements like a Van Goyen painting.
1 min extract
ISLAND on view at Videograms, Vilnius 2021
A film by Sam Williams & Laura Grace Ford
Principal text: Laura Grace Ford Montage: Sam Williams
Voices: Laura Grace Ford, Sam Williams, Samir Kennedy, Leah Marojevic
Images: Sam Williams (London), Samir Kennedy (Marseille), Leah Marojevic (Berlin)
Sound design: Samir Kennedy
Secondary text contains extracts of 'Certain Warning Cases' by Isobel Wohl written to accompany an exhibition by Sam Williams.
ISLAND was commissioned by Somerset House Studios and supported by the Adonyeva Foundation.